Monday, January 27, 2014

My first day here...

Well today has been full of a lot of firsts for me, and it's been pretty sweet. The first big deal was going on a plane for the first time. I didn't really know what to expect but I just hoped that I wouldn't feel sick the whole time (and I wasn't, so one of my biggest worries was taken care of!). The plane had a lot of extra seats so I asked to move to the middle row where there were 3 open seats in a row and later on Erin joined me, so we had lots of space to stretch out. I managed probably close to 5 hours of sleep out of the 7.5 hours in total we were on the plane, so that certainly passed the time quickly :P Also, the Canadian synchronized skating team was on the plane too on their way to the Olympics.

Funny story time. After a while of watching people walk past me to the back of the plane and having quenched my thirst with all the water I had brought with me, I went on an adventure to find the bathroom. Not too hard you'd think, but think again. Luckily the stewardess noticed my looking around in the back area of the plane and she kindly pointed out that the itsy bitsy closet doors I was standing next to and hadn't noticed actually led to the bathroom. Silly me, looking for a room. Who ever knew a bathroom could be so tiny as the ones on the plane? It was crazy.

When we got to the airport Rachelle and Dr. Rusthoven met us to take us back to the residences. Rachelle, Erin and I are all staying in the same residence and it seems pretty nice so far! I'll be sharing my room with two other girls (who I still haven't met).
My bed and desk area

View from my bed

These are the sinks that are through the door on the right of the picture above. We each have our own sink and wardrobe :)

Erin and Rachelle

This was one of the Metro stations that reminded us of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Kinda hard to see now, but it was pretty neat looking!

After we took some time to get unpacked, Rachelle took us out to buy phone cards, groceries, and cookware. Let me tell you, grocery shopping is going to take some getting used to! There's so many new things to look at and trying to figure out what some of the things are isn't that easy. But I did end up getting a fresh baguette and some Nutella, so it's all good :)

We all met and had diner together and after being ready to fall asleep at the table I think it's time I go to bed. So that's it for now. I'm so tired! We'll see what tomorrow brings :)


  1. So exciting! I can't wait to read all about your adventures! Did you get a picture with the skating team? Also, grocery shopping is fun! Especially when you buy your groceries once a week and the Parisians buy groceries every day... you get a lot of strange looks ;)

  2. I'm going to LOVE reading your blog, Meredeth. I'm glad flying went well for you - I knew you could do it :) Have a great day tomorrow.

  3. Hi Meredeth, I found out how to see your blog. Sounds like fun. Neat to see placess you've seen in pictures. love Mom
